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economic benefit analysis中文是什么意思

用"economic benefit analysis"造句"economic benefit analysis"怎么读"economic benefit analysis" in a sentence


  • 经济效益分析


  • Economic benefit analysis of water saving irrigation project in fuxin area
  • Economic benefit analysis of irrigation projects in beijing
  • Economic benefit analysis of several water - saving irrigation techniques
  • Economic benefits analysis of acidic wastewater treatment facilities
  • Economic benefit analysis of water - saving rice cultivation patterns with ppe model
  • Economic benefit analysis of ratoon rice cultivated model for double - harvest rice displant
  • Regulattion for economic benefit analysis calculation and evaluation of existing flood control projects
  • The first stage of economic benefit analysis on investment project of xinjing century town is investment opportunity analysis , including basic information of project and investment background , investigation and prediction of real estate market
  • Economic analysis there are several aspects in the economic benefit analysis in pacs which should be appraised in the light of the whole hospital . as for the pacs department , we selected the film - saving model to compute the economic benefit brought about by pacs . in the case of radio - graphic department , after none film management , 572 thousands yuan can be saved and the capital outlay can be reacouped in 2 to 3 years
  • Combining the case of investment project of xinjing century town , i explore practical method and theoretical system of economic benefit analysis on investment project about real estate ? ? model of three stage of investment opportunity analysis , product development strategy and economic benefit evaluation , and focus on applicable analysis on it
    本文结合新景世纪城投资项目案例,从房地产投资项目经济效益分析全过程的三个阶段? ?投资机会分析阶段、产品开发策划阶段、经济效益评价三个阶段,进行房地产投资项目经济效益分析。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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